The use of X as a symbol for kisses looks very modern but its a lot older than you might think.
What is the symbol for kisses and hugs. Combined with the familiar Christian use of an X signifying the oath sealed with a kiss the O was likely then adapted to mean hugs as an equal representation in the sincerity of the sentiment. The letter O is used as a representation of the pursed lips from someone applying a kiss. XO Hugs and Kisses Symbols Posted on January 24 2013 by Lior With the popularity of emails SMS messages online chat and the TV show Gossip Girl its very common to see people signing off with x kisses or xoxo hugs and kisses.
Hugs and kisses abbreviated in North America as XO or XOXO is an informal term used for expressing sincerity faith love or good friendship at the end of a written letter email or text message. In the United Kingdom the phrase hugs and kisses is widely used but XO or. The history of X standing for a kiss begins as so many things in the Middle Ages with Christianity.
Many kisses xxx WSC. Say Why Do I. Already in the Middle Ages people were signing letters with an X and not only love letters.
Another speculation about X representing a kiss is that the letter X looks like two people kissing or maybe it simply looks like puckered up lips. Use the D to represent a wide grin combined with. Hugs and Kisses name Hug cyber hug Add Your Answer How do you hug with keyboard symbols online.
Heres a list of chat room. In the subscription to a. The Kiss of peace is backed with spiritual and faithful feelings for someone.
XOX or XOXO means hugs and kisses with the x representing kisses and the o representing hugs. What are the symbls on a keybord do you use for a hug Give someone a big hug. According to the Oxford English Dictionary X can be used to represent a kiss esp.