Wrap text automatically or enter a manual line break.
What is the meaning of wrap text in excel. Cleaning up data for analysis is often a very time-consuming step Text functions are often great tools to speed up the process. For example take a look at the long text string in cell A1 below. I have applied text wrap.
It moves the cursor to the next line when reaching the end without requiring you to press Enter. Value is the numerical value that we need to convert to text. Sometimes referred to as a run around and wrap around word wrap is a feature in text editors and word processors.
The difference is that the text is closer to the object and matches its shape. You can get more out of Excel and Powerpoint take a look at what more you can do with httpswwwstl-trainingcoukmicrosoftexcel-training-londonphp. The most common wrapping style is Square which means the text wraps around a rectangular box called a bounding box that encloses the image.
. When is the Excel TEXT Function required. For example in the picture below as each section shrinks the sentence is wrapped so it doesnt extend past the border.
For this we just have to select the cell we want to convert and the format we want to convert. In Line with Text This option places an image on the same line as surrounding text. In a worksheet select the cells that you want to format.
This will allow you to avoid the truncated column effect make the text easier to read and better fit for printing. But it in reality the Text function is used to convert any value in text format and we can even change the format of converted value as well. Essentially the function will convert a numeric value into a text string.