Windows-1252 with confidence 05 someotherfile.
What is the encoding of a text file. Byte bytes FileReadAllBytesfilename. When VS Code saves a file it uses a text encoding to decide what bytes each character becomes. If they do have lines with the same length you cannot use StreamReader to read the file you must use FileStream.
There are many examples here. Int32 prLen preambleLength. For example in the Cyrillic Windows encoding the character Й has the numeric value 201.
To find the encoding type of the file execute the below command in terminal file -I file name Finding File Encoding Type In Windows. You normally cant tell if there is no metainformation and simple textfiles normally dont have any. In general source code files are mostly in UTF-8.
Text files usually have the MIME type textplain usually with additional information indicating an encoding. Text files rarely contain lines of text that are the exact same length. If you open a txt file in notepadexe and click save as it will tell you what file encoding that file is.
For example a file with the first three bytes 0xEF0xBB0xBF is probably a UTF-8 encoded file. You must also know that some character sets are actually subsets of others like eg. Encoding encoding null.
The 8 means it uses 8-bit blocks to represent a character. If bytesLength prLen. What is file encoding and why is it important.