Please write down about :
What is the announcement about jawaban. Announcement adalah salah satu jenis dari short functional text yang berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi atau pengumuman terhadap khalayak umum. Be an international organization b. From the text we know that.
The winners get medal as prize c. The extremly cold weather in the city d. What is the announcement about?
The competition is held by the teachers b. What is the announcement about jawaban. The high demand for electrical power c.
A) the registration of edc is prolonged b) the cancellation of competition c) the registration is closed d) the registration is opened e). Jawaban jawaban yang tepat adalah about new directors at the brondy brothers inc. The launching of membership cards.
Tekanan uap jenuh larutan berbanding lurus dengan (jawaban soal terbaru 2023) sekretariat asean berada di kota (jawaban soal. We will hold our monthly planning meeting at 4 p.m. What is announced by the announcement?
A serious power shortage in the city b. What is the announcement about? “we are going to hold charity programme.” what does “charity” mean?