what is the aim of this text?

what is the aim of this text?

1. what is the aim of the text?a. to relate the dew with temperatureb

1. what is the aim of the text?a. to relate the dew with temperatureb

What Is The Aim Of The Text 5 Poin Know It Info

What Is The Aim Of The Text 5 Poin Know It Info

Pliss bantu......1.What is the purpose/aim of the text?2.What tenses

Pliss bantu......1.What is the purpose/aim of the text?2.What tenses

describes the aim and contents of the chart. Brainly.in

describes the aim and contents of the chart. Brainly.in

What did the text aim to Brainly.in

What did the text aim to Brainly.in

What did the text aim to Brainly.in

To make readers understand about love?

What is the aim of the text brainly. They live in the grasslands and forests. One can explore and analyze various. Aim and objectives of media:

Advertisement text atau teks iklan bertujuan untuk mempromosikan produk atau jasa dan menarik minat. Answer 1 liusuzuki12 it further aims to build and maintain a single national identity, based on shared social characteristics of culture, ethnicity, geographic location, language,. To provide a clear definition for conflict.

Pertanyaan choose the correct answer! What is the aim of the text? To make readers what to know about music c.

To discuss some important causes of conflict. To inform readers that music can make love to. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah b.

Often, texts have more than one purpose. Douwdek0 and 53 more users found this answer helpful. Is the creation of text using a range of modes ,for example.print ,image and sound.

(¿cuál es la idea/objetivo principal de este texto?) a) to discourage people from visiting singapore. Soal ini menanyakan tujuan pembuatan teks. What is the main aim of the text?

1.What is the aim of the text above?2.What is the similar meaning of

1.What is the aim of the text above?2.What is the similar meaning of

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1.What is the purpose of the instructions?2.what is the first procedure

1.What is the purpose of the instructions?2.what is the first procedure