The HTML Element or HTML Block Quotation Element indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.
What is text formatting tags in html. By the use of the HTML Formatting Tags we can style the text. It is the opening tag tag and closing tag. HTML Text Formatting Tags and Elements like bold italic emphasized marked smaller deleted inserted subscript superscript with exampleOther Useful Vi.
This is tag use for. TEXT FORMATTING TAG IN HTML 1. This tag is used to display text in italic style.
This means you cannot omit the closing tag. Following are few common formatting tags. HTML Text Formatting tags.
- Italic Text - Emphasized Text. These HTML Formatting Tags are mostly used to show that this text is special. These tags are used to provide the visual appearance to the text.
HTML formatting tags use for formatting a text style. HTML Formatting Tags List. This has an opening tag and a closing tag.
HTML Text Formatting. HTML Text Formatting is used to style the text into different design specification. Italic यन tag text formatting क ह एक part ह कस line य word क तरछ करन क लए इस tag क उपयग करत ह.