Besides the line-through value can be used to present out-dated information for example.
What is text-decoration line-through. As a curiosity Firefox uses line through but not on the initially selected option in the initial state Consider using an alternative approach. Set Of Black Hand Drawn Vintage Frames For Text Decoration. See property values and try examples.
A link without underline example The underline in the links can also be removed by using the text-decoration CSS property. In the same manner as underlining a text you can do a strikethrough where a horizontal line goes through the text. The style has to be used on a tag for text sections eg.
Overstriking does not usually work as you can test with a simple static example Hello world. Sets the style of the text decoration like solid wavy dotted dashed double initial. It sets the appearance of decorative lines on text.
When setting multiple line-decoration properties at once it may be more convenient to use the text-decoration shorthand property instead. H4 text-decoration. If an option cannot be selected why not just remove it.
Text decoration line through html Code Answers. In this article we will go over how to add the text decorations overline underline and line-through to text using CSS. None important style but the strikethrough does not disappear from the buttons.
This text is styled with the CSS overline property. Sets the kind of text decoration to use like underline overline line-through text-decoration-color. CSS Text Decorations- Overline Underline Line-through.