Originally, it was from the game.
What is pog on outer banks. This is the south side, or the cut, he explains in the first episode, as it shows a more rundown part of. According to urban dictionary, kook is a term, most often used by aggro locals, to describe any surfers that: The name seemingly gets its origins from american military.
The term 'pog' has actually been around for years in gamer circles. And his friends refer to themselves as the pogues. It is an abbreviation for 'play of the game'.
Outer banks is based on the outer banks region of north carolina. In outer banks john b. Don't live in the sh*thole little coastal towns.
What is pog in outer banks? The pogues or simply pogue is a name given to a group of people that are from the cut, the south side of the outer banks. Please watch in hd + both headphones.
In short—if you're a pogue, you live on the south side of the island, also known as the cut. She is usually moored at the end of john b's house. The cut is home to the working class, citizens who make livings.
Turns out, the term pogue is in reference to the word pogies, which is the nickname for the silver menhaden fish. Both groups in outer banks use the terms constantly. For example, in episode 5, rafe says, tell kiara she looks pretty hot for a pogue, as a cop drags jj, a pogue, away.