Generally your home insurance covers unexpected events or accidents such as fire windstorm or theft.
What is not covered under fire insurance. Standard fire policy provides cover for damage to property caused by fire lightning or explosion. For example if an earthquake which is not covered under HO-2 or HO-3 policies knocks down an electrical line and sets your home on fire you would still be able to make a claim. Exclusions in Fire Insurance Policy.
Certain items like precious stones artworks manuscripts securities drawings paintings important documents paper money coins and computer system records are not covered under the fire and allied perils policy unless they are specifically stated or declared. The policy covers fire damaged caused due to explosion or implosion. Learn about home insurance for unexpected events and disasters.
Pressure Boiler Plan Insurance Policy will basically cover these risks. So if there was a short-circuit in your apartment that caused a fire youre covered. On another note not all insurance providers have the same rules for vacant homes.
Economizers or other vessels. If the fire occurred in a vacant household with no one at home during the time of the fire the damages will not be covered. The Sum Insured for the factory was Rs1 cr and the premium was Rs.
A home is considered vacant if it hasnt been lived in for 30 straight days. 2 Lightning The policy covers all the damage caused by fire produced because of lightning. Arun took a Life Insurance Policy for Rs.
Where the explosion is brought about by Gas or boiler not used for an industrial purpose ie explosion of Gas or boilers used for domestic purpose only is covered. Fire fighting expense coverage must be purchased. Loss because of theft during or after the fire.