I want to know what is use of charsetutf-8 please give me answer.
What is charset= utf-8 used for. Si vous lacceptez nous utiliserons ces données pour personnaliser les annonces et procéder à des analyses dans ce domaineVous pouvez sélectionner Accepter pour consentir à ces utilisations ou cliquer sur Plus doptions pour revoir vos options. A charset or Character Set is used to tell the browser what kind of symbolscharacters to display on a web page. Not encoded characters.
There are many different types but UTF-8 covers the widest range of symbols. Charsetutf-8 ToutesDernières 24 heuresDernière semaineDernier moisDernière année Microsoft et ses fournisseurs tiers utilisent des cookies et des technologies similaires pour fournir mettre à jour et améliorer ses services et annonces. Charsetutf-8 designates the content to be in JSON format encoded in the UTF-8 character encoding.
Important to specify the encoding for the page otherwise there is a risk your page may interpret incorrectly example for any non-ascii type characters. Modern Linux distributions are set up such that all users are using UTF-8 locales and paths on foreign filesystem mounts are translated to UTF-8 so this difference in strategies generally has no effect. Unfortunately ASCII only encodes English characters so if you used.
Locale may vary by process. In other words charsetutf-8 tells the browser to use the utf-8 character encoding when translating machine code into human-readable text and vice versa to be displayed in the browser. If your page is UTF-8 probably.
JavaScript-based HTML editors Redirects from Twitter usernames Thespidae Metallyticidae Metromedia Metrovia Metalloids Metrolinx Naval Academy Etajima River Wharfe Ice hockey teams in the DallasFort Worth metroplex American football teams in the DallasFort Worth metroplex. UTF-8 is one of the Unicode encodings and the one that should be used for Web content according to the W3C. What is the use of meta charset utf - 8 in html.
Designating the encoding is somewhat redundant for JSON since the default only encoding for JSON is UTF-8. UTF-8 is the most widely used way to represent Unicode text in web pages and you should always use UTF-8 when creating your web pages and databases. There are three different Unicode character encodings.