For one thing the viscosity of the water will greatly impede your punch which will be slow and with not much forcenothing like the hardest punch you might be able to deliver to something or someo.
What happens when you punch a shark in the nose. THE FACTS -- Forget for a moment that the odds of being attacked by a shark at the beach are. If you are swimming and completely unarmed punch the sharks supersensitive nose or stab at its eyes or gills. THE CLAIM Fight off a shark by punching it in the nose.
This has given rise to the belief that a sharp punch in the nose will repel almost any shark attack. Punch the shark then leave right away because an aggressive shark might return back shortly. The reason could be the tiny electrical receptors called ampullae of Lorenzini that speckle the area around sharks noses and mouths.
Watch me play games livehttptwitchtvthejustinflynn -- wwwtwitchtvthejustinflynnc2947307utm_campaignarchive_exportutm_sourcethejustinflynnutm_. As it turns out this is usually a very bad idea that can result in losing your fingers hand. Despite the old saying that aiming for the snout is the best strategy a sharks most sensitive areas are really its eyes and its gills.
What is a sharks weakness. Hit it in the nose Many people agree that the best thing to do in case a shark actually tried to attack you is to punch it in the nose. If the shark bites into you and begins to drag you underwater dont play dead or give up.
What happens if you punch a shark in the nose. A sharks weakness is rubbing its belly as it becomes immobile for a moment as well as its snout. See Why do sharks attack humans.
If a shark bites you what we recommend is you should hit the shark in the eye in the nose or stick your hand in the gills says Chris Lowe of the California State University Long Beach Shark Lab in an instructional video. Experts say hitting a shark on the tip of the nose in the eye or in the gills will stop it from biting you at least temporarily. Get aggressive and do some damage to the shark.