In the samoan language, if you are female, your uso is your sister.
What does uso mean in samoan. Samoan word for brother or sister. 2023 samoan, “uso” means brother. If you are male, your uso is your.
Fale is the samoan word for house of any size. “uso” is the samoan word for brother, and “ uce ” its shortened version. If you are male, your uso is your brother.
Contents hide 1why are samoans called usos 2what usos mean 3can girls say uso 4what does uce mean samoan 5what the girl samoan 6what uso. Uso is the samoan word for either brother or sister, depending on your gender. Uso is the samoan word for either brother or sister, depending on your gender.
Only used by same gender. In the samoan language, if you are female, your uso is your sister. What does uzo mean in samoan?
A female can call another female uso or a male can call another male uso. In the samoan language, if you are female, your uso is your sister. Brother in samoan, “uso” means brother.
If you are male, your uso is your brother. United service organizations united service organizations/full name. A female cannot call a male uso and.