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What does the spanish word hermoso mean in english. It is true that in english you would describe a girl as beautiful very often, but in spanish, the word is only used with the girl directly. It almost makes me cry. What does the word hermosa mean?

La casa tiene un salón muy. Se parece a su abuelo. ¡qué hermoso es este poema!

A boy’s appearance is expressed in spanish with the expression. It can be translated as ‘beautiful’, ‘gorgeous’, and’very handsome’ in spanish. You are wondering about the question what does hermoso mean in spanish but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the.

Just to add that gorgeous can also be an acceptable translation, and that es hermoso can also be a meme. Find more spanish words at wordhippo.com! √ fast and easy to use.

According to spanish dict, the word hermosa is the spanish language word for beautiful.this word is used across regions of spain and latin. When we found reddit user u/arudnoh explaining that “mu*a*yo” is a brazilian word that means “morning eater” and that it comes from the mists. Casi me hace llorar.how beautiful this poem is!

You are wondering about the question what does hermoso mean in english but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the. Beautiful lovely nice gorgeous fine handsome wonderful pretty beauty fair cute precious. Un día hermoso a beautiful o lovely day.

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