But if you have to be in a conversation to say nice to meet you I would suggest better to write Its a pleasure to get in touch with you.
What does nice to meet you virtually mean. Using computer technology over the internet and not involving people physically. You tend to use Nice to meet you too much. Well my name is not Perdita nor Ginger I wish though I am a female.
Nice to virtually meet you. This is bad for a few reasons. Nice meeting YOU too or something more effusive if you had a great time or the person is a big deal.
When you meet someone for the first time ever and introduce each other then you should say Nice to meet you Then you had a chat with himher for a while and you need to say good bye to himher as you leave the place at that moment you need to say Nice meeting you. Mark Twain said writers should eschew surplusage. See the full definition for virtually in the English Language Learners Dictionary.
27 Ways to Say Nice to Meet You in Speaking Writing 7ESL. Hm what to say about me. It is a pleasure to meet you virtually.
Definition of Nice to meet you i am happy to meetknowsee you for the first time. Discussion in New Member Introductions started by kyelena2 Jun 5 2012. If you talk with someone on the phone before or instead of meeting them in person it would sound odd to say nice to meet you Instead you would say It was nice talking with you and possibly add that you look forward to meeting them or hope to meet them at least in person.
Nice to virtually meet you. By that they mean nice to electronically meet you ie meet you not-in-person. You are saying the same thing as nice to meet you but adding an extra syllable for the sake of clarifying that you are meeting electronically.