Adding this emoticon to a message shows you are being.
What does muah mean in texting. What does muah mean in a text message? Muah is an expression with various meanings, and it is based of the sound one makes when exaggerating a kissing noise. It is normally used online, because in real life you.
Other versions include mua, mwha, xx. Multiple unsuccessful attempts to humor. When do you use the word muah?
See answer (1) best answer. It is the sound of a kiss. Get the top muah abbreviation related to text messaging.
You use it by inserting it right where you would have said, “shaking my head”. What does muah mean in a text message? Frequently used in email, chat and text messages to.
Example from the screenshot above: What does ‘^^’ mean in texting? Showing only slang/internet slang definitions ( show all 2 definitions) note:
Making the sound of a kiss; We have 1 other definition for muah in our. When you text someone “muah,” you’re indicating that you would love to see them soon and.