What Does J Mean In Texting Meaning Mania

What Does J Mean In Texting Meaning Mania

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You are wondering about the question what does /j mean in text but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question.

What does j mean in texting. What does p mean in text? Yes, even though it is trending, the meaning of /j is very simple. An image of a simple.

It is used in texting mostly because you. Rofl means rolling on floor laughing. “j” is used in a slightly different context in texting.

2g2bt what does 2g2bt mean in texting? What does /j mean in texting? /j is used to denote ‘joking’ or ‘just kidding’.

It appears that the millennial abbreviation jk — or “just kidding” — wasn’t cutting it. This texting slang dictionary helps you quickly find all the most common abbreviations. Using /j (at the end of a sentence) indicates that the sender is joking about something.

This is because the letter j represents a smiley face icon in the wingdings font. 143 means i love you in text messaging. What is j meaning in texting?

Joking a tone indicator placed at the end of online messages to show that they are said in a joking manner, not to be taken seriously. The term /p is a tone indicator that stands for “platonic.” it’s just a way for clarifying that you’re not being flirtatious or sexual while texting. Texting slang involves sending shortened messages between mobile devices.

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