A person can soak their feet in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or tea tree oil.
What do you put on rug burn. According to webmd, rug burns are also referred to as friction burns, and in most cases they can easily be treated by cleaning the burn with soap and cool water and covering it. This is a natural antiseptic. You can use a topical ointment if you like, but if things get out of hand and the area begins to.
In addition to these, you should also consider home remedies such as using petroleum jelly, aloe vera, or neosporin. If you have a carpet burn, keep the area clean and dry. Aloe vera is an effective remedy.
This can help to relieve the pain and the itch. If you don’t have an antiseptic, apply a thin layer of aloe vera over the abrasion. It is also important to clean.
Do not scrub the area too hard, as this can cause more damage. You can also soak a washcloth in cold water and press it against the burn for 10 to 15 minutes. If you do not have burn cream available, try aloe vera lotion or gel.
The water will help clean the wound, and the cool temperature will reduce. You can also try an antibiotic cream, such as neosporin. 1 doctor answer • 1 doctor weighed in share dr.
You need to see a doctor. Dry the skin surface with a cotton ball if the area becomes wet. Listed below are some treatments for a rug burn.