Light Blue Colors that make up ADD8E6 RGB.
What colour text on blue background. Example text color using ADD8E6. Yellow is another font color that one should use with the blue abstract background while using both in combination with each other. The right color picker controls the text color.
Its good to identify some additional color combinations for attention-grabbing call-outs and other possible needs. Or place the text in a box where you have better control of the background. The ratios have been scientifically calculated to ensure that text can be read by those with moderate low vision and that contrast is sufficient enough for those who have color.
The accent colors should be used to highlight a word or portion of a graphic not. This text is placeholder text to give you an idea of how this color looks when used as a font color on a white background. It is one of the common color combinations which one must utilize effectively to use the blue color with an abstract background in a proper manner.
In the Netherlands all highway signs are with blue background as well as the railway signs. Black text is the best choice. Turn down the opacity if you must place text directly on an image.
Shown are the corresponding Red Green Blue RGB values as well as the long color number used in Microsoft Office Word and Excel coding. Use the below to pick colors for background and text font. 173 216 230 - HSL.
Because this combination is known to cause strain on the eyes be cautious with this approach. The text highlight color control will override it with any color but white which isnt shown. Blue is one of mankind favorite color as is represents sky heaven trust and faith.