Here are some tools that can be used for analyzing color contrast.
What color text to use on green background. Dark colors - white font return ColorFromArgbd d d. AXe for Chrome and aXe for Firefox Luminosity Colour Contrast Ratio Analyser a web-based tool by Juicy Studio. Color should not be the only indicator for interactive elements.
Similarly if your brand colors are black and white this means great contrast but if you have a site with lengthy amounts of text a black background with white text is going to make reading very an eye-straining experience despite the inherent strength of contrast between black and white. Too many bright colors. Bright colors - black font else d 255.
In grayscale there is only a slight contrast because red and green are of nearly equal brightness. I take a slightly different approach here. Testing a neutral color palette as text on a white background from previous article.
In this case it is advisable to invert the colors using black text on a white background. Think especially about avoiding using red and green for bad and good indicators. If red text is used on a white background be sure to use a dark red to ensure proper color contrast.
Dark Blue text is a good choice. If you use color to convey meaning there must also be another way that meaning is conveyed so that people who are color blind can still access the information. When using White as the background color.
If done with the exact right shades purple and green can create an intense design. While Yellow text is a bad choice. The text color is also an important part of your newsletter design.