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What color text on light blue background. Yellow is another font color that one should use with the blue abstract background while using both in combination with each other. HTML CSS or hex color code for color Light blue is add8e6. If you use color to convey meaning there must also be another way that meaning is conveyed so that people who are color blind can still access the information.
In a RGB color space hex add8e6 also known as Light blue is composed of 678 red 847 green and 902 blue. When using Yellow as the background color. The right color picker controls the text color.
Black text is a good choice. That may not be as visually. If you are looking for colour schemes with particular color codes simply enter those html colors into.
To use blue in sign systems beware of create enough contrast in order to make the signs work best. In this case it is advisable to invert the colors using black text on a white background. My base example with dark gray Raven text and a bright Darkest Alice blue for links and buttons.
Shading is the button with the paint pot in the Paragraph group of controls on the Home tab. The color blue is good recognized with white lettering as information sign. If red text is used on a white background be sure to use a dark red to ensure proper color contrast.
The Combo Library provides a convenient way to search light blue color schemes. The text seems to vibrate which causes eye strain. And one out.