A preview of the text and background color combination is given.
What color text on green background. The paragraph above is Merry Christmas in green text on a red background which a color blind person may not be able to read. Using these steps we can easily change the color of any text. Dark Blue text is a good choice.
The color wheel contains warm colors red yellow orange on the left side and cool colors blue green and purple on the right. The contrast between these two colors is too low. To make your text links green add this CSS.
I dont recommend ever using the color combo for any print or web related graphics. Instead of going for AAA Im looking for AA a reasonable standard to strive for so that I can get a brighter color. Evaluate button and link luminosity.
While Yellow text is a bad choice. Redgreen color blindness is the most common so avoid green on red or red on green. Red text is a good choice.
The right color picker controls the text color. For example underline links on hover or mark a required field with an asterisk. This is also problematic because it causes a visual vibration for users with normal color vision.
Orange text is a good choicee. If coloured text is used on a bright background the contrast will be weak for optimal contrast results is white text against dark colored backgrounds. While it might be shocking enough to catch the viewers attention it fails in the readability department.