If you know somebody who has been through cancer you can mention this and offer to introduce them but dont push it.
What can i say to a friend with cancer. When visiting a friend with cancer one of the most meaningful things you can do is simply listen say social workers at MSK. This gives your friend something to look forward to especially because cancer treatment can be long and tiring. The Only Two Things You Need to Say to Someone With Cancer.
Some people fear saying the wrong thing and upsetting people affected by cancer. Feel you must put up with serious displays of temper or mood swings You shouldnt accept disruptive or abusive behavior. Finding out that somebody you care about has cancer such as leukemia lymphoma or myeloma can be shocking emotional and devastating.
Headaches nausea and general malaise having cancer was a literal pain. Say you know how they feel we cant ever know exactly how someone with cancer feels. One invaluable way of supporting a loved one with cancer is to research their type of cancer.
Delve into the Internets wealth of reputable websites or contact an agency like the American Cancer Society and ask that information be mailed to you. When someone elses diagnosis makes you feel this bad its almost impossible to imagine how the person who has received the diagnosis must feel. What to say to a friend dying of cancer when words fail you Shannon Molloy writes after his friend.
Helpful Things to Say to a Person with Cancer I dont know exactly what to say but please know how much I care What can I do for you Im always here if you ever want to talk Im so sorry this happened to you Use humor but only if you know it will be received positively. You can support the person with cancer by listening and talking with them. Write about films youve seen concerts youve been to and books youve read.
Im only a phone call away. You will not feel pain was important because he needed to hear that although we could no longer contain the cancer we could soothe his nerves. Assume your co-worker can no longer do the job.