There are a lot of other options though especially for a boy bunny.
What can i name my rabbit. A list with the most popular male names for your bunny. Domino on March 13 2019. If you have a male rabbit here are our male rabbit names suggestion for you to inspire you naming your adorable pet rabbit.
Bella Bugsy or Bugzy. When hes a toddler Rickon Stark names his direwolf Shaggy Dog I imagine when he got older the name was much less appealing to him. One of the simplest ways to pick a name for your new pet rabbit is by naming it after a famous rabbit.
Also go for a name that you think suits them. CocoCocoaCo-Co and DaisyDaisy MaeDaisy May tie BunnyBunnie. Hoping for a little better names but I found the right name for my bunny Midnight is her new name.
If your rabbit is white name it Roger. Anna A solid normal name is always a good choice. My rabbits are Snuff Eddy Angus and bugs bunny.
Bun Bunn Bunnie or Bunny. Next choose a name which wont embarrass you or your pet. Athena Goddess names are great for female pets.
Before you name your rabbit or any of your pets make sure to choose a name that will be short and easy to call out. Coco Co-Co or Cocoa. A few extra are in there as some names were a tie.