On the other hand if you have finally got yourself an interview with that company you wanted to work for you could use a classic excuse like call.
What are some excuses to get out of work. Some of us use this excuse to avoid work. If schools are closed in your area due to inclement weather and you have children you can use the school closure as an excuse to get out of work. These kinds of excuses are valid and your boss finds it genuinely.
This excuse will get you out of work for a half-day or so. And get home hopefully by 4 pm. The 13 good excuses we have identified to get out of work.
Here are more ideas and reasons for missing work. Lets start with the most common excuses we make up to skip workdays. Top excuses when calling off of work.
84 of respondents have used this false excuse at least once. Make the appointment first thing in the morning or late in the day say around 3 pm. The best excuses for leaving early include professional pursuits like networking events or personal obligations like volunteer work.
While the list above is some of your best options for missing work you might need a few more ideas. You can get a friend involved and tell them you cannot even speak let alone come to work. Top 10 lies we tell to get out of work.
Saying that you feel ill is one of the best excuses for missing work. Dont just say you did. You may need to come up with a different excuse if youre going to be late or want to leave work early.