In config.json set your settings such as bot token/prefix.
Welcome bot for discord. A bot that sets welcome message, channel, goodbye message and goodbye channel. Explore millions of discord bots & servers. Vote (39) splinter is a bot with.
Welcomer is not just any bot. Invite support dashboard donate status log in. Take a watch of this video where we'll be building a custom discord welcome bot with an i.
A simple bot that can be used to welcome new users to a discord server, sending them a custom private message, send a welcome message to a. Today i'm going to show you how to setup the welcomer bot which allows you to automatically give welcome messages to people who join your discord I have features such as moderation, modlog, welcome & goodbye logs, fun, music.
Welcomer bot is a bot that lets you welcome new users the right way with fully customizable cards and messages, [images, welcome] discord bot list welcomer 0 0. A discord welcomer bot with customizable welcome images, web dashboard, reaction role, logging, leveling & leaderboard, autorole and banword A welcomer bot with welcome images, web dashboard, reaction role, logging, autorole and.
Welcomer is a multipurpose discord bot mainly known for the customisation of welcome images. This is a bot which will send a message to a specific channel when someone joins your discord server. This bot also includes many other features.
Discord bots (17) discord servers (15) 1. Lolotri does not have any projects! Below you can check 32 results.