Oscar Like the Sesame Street grouch.
Unisex names that mean bird. John Legend You can use this name if your bird is a real crooner. This French name means lark Altaira. In our list of 50 favorite unique parrot names we continue with some ideas for female parrots you may want to consider.
Chinese unisex name meaning 1 auspicious lucky or 2 to circle in the air like a bird XIAO 1- 晓 2- 孝 3- 小 4- 蕭. Meaning bird this name has Arabic roots Ava. Harley is a bird name in the species itself.
Also look for the inspiration in celebrity bird names maybe some of them may be suitable for your bird as well. Victoria You could use a regular girls name for your bird. Rosie A sweet girls name like this is appropriate.
Ivory for your beautiful white bird. Delilah You could use this famous lovers name for your bird. This Scottish name means field meadow.
Such a sweet name for your bundle of joy that means messenger of God. Hen Solo unisex name for the space enthusiast. Chinese unisex name meaning 1 dawn morning 2 filial piety 3 little and 4 respectful reverent.
Lily again is a popular flower plant name. Baby girl names that mean bird Alouette. A supercute vintage name this of course means bird Cholena.