Some unique Japanese unisex names Japan known as the Place that is known for the Rising Sun is celebrated for its lovely scenery and one of the delicious meals as well as an assortment of delightful names with various profound meanings that.
Unisex japanese names with meaning. Aoi 葵 碧 あおい f m Japanese From Japanese 葵 aoi meaning hollyhock althea or an adjectival form of 碧 ao meaning. 29 rows Name Meaning Gender. AKIO meaning bright man 昭夫.
Hiragana is a syllabary used in written Japanese which originated from the cursive style of Kanji. AKIRA meaning bright clear 明 亮 - Japanese unisex name.
The meaning of Kin is golden 116. There are 39 names.
AKI meaning bright autumn 明 秋 - Japanese unisex name. Aoi あおい Holly flower. 103 rows 102 Beautiful Japanese Unisex Names With Meaning Yuu Sato 3072019.
Aoi is a Japanese unisex name meaning blueish 119. This is a list of Japanese Unisex Names Start with O.
The meaning of Mitsu is. AKIRA meaning bright clear 明 亮 -. This unisex Japanese name means born in summer 115.