Check out the best names for birds including bird names for boys and girls and cute funny and cool bird names for cockatiels colorful parrots parakeets and more.
Unique male bird names. When you name your pet bird you get to help shape your feathered friends identity for years to come. Below are some of our favorite name ideas for male parrots but you can always mix it up and use them for a female too. Efron is a classic masculine name for young boys.
You can use their intelligence to give them parrot names. Hopefully youll find inspiration with our list of 480 names. A male bird can be called a rooster cock peacock gander tom cob tercel tiercel drake or simply male.
These are names that are going to be seen time and again and that are great for those that are looking to name their birds something easy and fun. 10 Top Female Bird Names. Bird names for babies are one of the hottest of the hot nature categories all the way from Birdie to Wren.
The traditional Spot Bob and Sue just arent going to cut it here. To help them do this make sure the name is unique short and easily decipherable from other speech we use regularly in the home. 10 Top Male Bird Names.
Falcon is the preying bird that is found in all continents except Antarctica. The Eclectus parrot is a highly intelligent and active pet parrot. Here are 200 bird names in an easy to read bird names list to choose from that are simply wonderful.
While many bird names come straight out and announce themselves as Robin or Hawk others are more subtle carrying bird meanings. Unique Male Bird Names with Cool Meanings Aiden fiery one Camden camp Dmitri devoted Dylan son of waves Flynn descendant of red Jesse gift God exists Lefty left-handed Marcel wave Otis wealth Samson child of the sun. Read on for popular bird names this year and best of luck picking the perfect name.