For more information on adjective.
Two example of adjective clause. 1 The lady who lives across the street is my aunt. The tomatoes that I grew in my garden were very tasty. The follies which a man regrets most in his life are those which he didnt commit when he had the opportunity.
Examples of Adjective Clause. Whom we hired yesterday is the dependent clause. Jason has a relative whose daughter pursues a career in nursing.
Now with the adjective clause the subject is more specific. Also known as an adjectival clause or a relative clause. It comes right after the noun or the pronoun it modifies.
It begins with the. The store that the boy robbed is on the corner. The girl who sang a solo won the prize.
Here are some more examples of adjective clauses. Example of Restrictive Adjective Clauses. One clause sentence When I came here I saw him.
I do feel so sorry said Draco Malfoy one Potions class for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because theyre not wanted at home-JK Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. It acts as an adjective. Each of these clauses are introduced by certain words.