Web to answer the question of whether is turkey in europe or asia, in a general summary, we must say that this country is considered asian in terms of geography, population and religion, and it is regarded as a european country in terms of politics, culture, tourism and economy.
Turkey europe or asia. Hens are female turkeys and toms are males. Web according to the german foreign ministry, bilateral trade between the two countries reached a record high of €51.6 billion ($56 billion) in 2022. East thrace, the european portion of turkey comprises 3% [2] of the country and 10% [2] of its population.
Other than size, there isn't a real difference. Toms are, on average, larger, so if you're going for a turkey over 18 pounds, you'll likely end up with a tom, whereas if you're looking for a turkey 14 pounds or under, you're likely to buy a hen. The larger asian part is known as anatolia, or asia minor, while the smaller european section is in thrace, at the southeastern tip of the balkan peninsula.
Turkey has territory in both europe and asia, though the vast majority of its territory is considered part of asia. Turkey also shares borders with european countries with greece, bulgaria, cyprus, georgia, azerbaijan, and. Web let me explain.
Web turkey, bacon & chorizo bombe. Asian turkey, which includes 97% of the country's territory, is separated from european turkey by the bosphorus, the sea of marmara, and the dardanelles. The republic of turkey is located on the anatolian peninsula in western asia and a small enclave in thrace in the balkan region of southeast europe.
The larger part of the country, 97%, is located in anatolia, western asia, and the other region on the balkan peninsula is in southeast europe. Web key facts flag turkey occupies an area of 783,356 sq. Spanish conquistadores took aztec turkeys back to europe.
Web popular answers (1) arvind singh banaras hindu university turkey is a transcontinental country located in both asia and europe. Turkey was eaten in as early as the 16th century in england. Likewise, most of its land is as well.