Thoughts on life and love. This book is my labor of life and the love I have for my parents and friends. To Love And To Care. Falling in love with you was never my intention.
Thoughts on life and love. Mindset Lord Buddha Thoughts. Above all other things let love guide your life.
Hello and welcome to my little story time. Love is what makes the world go round. Love me for a second and I will love you forever.
Reflections on Life Thoughts and Relationships. It is the greatest and most powerful thing in the world. Which is a quality I love.
I hope people can see what I am trying to convey to each person that reads the book. Having positive experiences and taking the time to enjoy life can go along way towards positively impacting your mental health. True love is intelligent.
Your love and loving will never go unrewarded. Mental health blog on emotional wellbeing life love relationships. If a man lives a pure life nothing can destroy him Lord Buddha.