Items like “find something red” and “take a picture of something abandoned and forgotten” can turn your photography into a real hometown treasure hunt.
Things to do when your bored and have no money. Take it day by day and focus on the positive. Do some yard work or clean up. * borrow books, art and music from a local library.
So go on and get that serotonin. Unfortunately, the only way to have done a workout is to do a workout. Spend time at a local park.
Color code the clothes in your closet. We love doing puzzles this way because we can sit down. Hopefully, this list will help prevent boredom and provide some stimulation, and keep you.
Frugal things to do when bored: Dust spots you usually never get to. In case you don't know:
Go to watch the sunset. Watching ted talks is an even better use of your time when you are bored. But this is one of those productive things to do.
Go to a free yoga class. » first of all make a playlist and turn on the speakers. Buy new curtains for your living room.