TextDependent Questions Nelson Kadir.
Text-dependent questions history. Good textspecific questions will often linger over specific phrases and sentences to ensure careful comprehension of the textthey help students see something worthwhile that they would not have seen on a more cursory reading. Who were the first enslaved people to sue for and win their freedom. Primary source text on early American history Text-dependent questions Academic vocabulary list Writing prompt for writ Grade 7.
While the recommended texts and sample questions are useful the. Text-Dependent Questions solidifies Fisher and Freys well-earned reputation as literacy experts who offer sane and nuanced interpretations of the Common Core State Standards. Author style or purpose theme and text structure on the macro.
Jump at the Sun 2008. The quiz questions will address areas like what is a text-dependent question and the assessment of general knowledge. They remind us that close reading at its best is a social process one involving teacher-learner interaction as well as student-to-student talk.
Primary source text arguing for the ratification of the US. There are 84 different stems that fit key ideas and details craft and structure and integration of knowledge and ideas. In primary grades it is common for students to want to share personal connections to the text.
A lawsuit brought by. Typical text dependent questions. The Guide to Creating Text Dependent Questions document accompanies this ppt.
Lyndon Johnson was respected and admired for making difficult decisions throughout his presidency including the Vietnam War. Specific sentences phrases and individual words on the micro level. Strategies and resourcesbest practices to engage students with literacy and high-quality texts to make reading come alive.