GENERAL QUESTION PROMPTS What does the author want us to know about ___.
Text dependent questions examples. Think about what you think is the most important learning to be drawn from the text. What context clues tell you what word means. Meaning of surfaced from context.
Think about why these are examples of text-dependent questions. What does ___ mean. Often those questions focus on the authors main claim and the evidence used to support that claim the arc of the.
Science Right There Questions Ask for explicit information drawn from the text itself. Look at the illustrations on page 31. Proficient student response as written by the teacher grade-level text annotated.
Students will have up to 5000 characters to formulate their response. The teacher would first ask several questions about the text so that all students had equal access to information about veterinarians. The TDA portion of the Forward Exam requires students to read the text and then.
Text-Dependent Analysis Question 3. 11 Text-Dependent Analysis Scoring Rubric. For example if the class was reading about community helpers and several students wanted to discuss their experiences with the vet the teacher would ask students to wait until later in the lesson to share their personal connections.
Reading Standards for Informational Text Grade 2 2RI1 Ask and answer such questions as who what where when why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Use precise language from the passages. Student work and possible instructional next steps.