Resource 37 Checking for Understanding Questions.
Text-dependent questions chapters 7 & 8. How are family units formed in. Analyzing Atticus Chapters 22-23 Long-Term Targets Addressed Based on NYSP12 ELA CCLS I can cite text-based evidence that provides the strongest support for my analysis of literary text. Digging Deeper into Paragraphs 68 of Steve Jobs Commencement Address and connecting to Chapter 7 Long-Term Targets Addressed Based on NYSP12 ELA CCLS I can cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text.
It does not rely on any particular background. Lesson 16 Explaining the Themes of Eagle Song. If not what clues in the text foreshadowed this.
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer. Tell students that they are now going to take time to reread a key scene from Chapter 2. Distribute the Chapter 2 pages 1922 Text-Dependent Questions Note-catcher.
RL41 I can make inferences using specific details from the text. Resource 38 Outline of Chapter Summaries Checking for Questions and Activities. LESSON 11 Close Reading.
Use the questions to clue yourself in on what main ideas or events to be looking for while you read. RL81 I can analyze how specific dialogue or incidents in a plot propel the action reveal aspects of a character or provoke a decision. There is a Close.
Readers Notes for Chapters 6 and 7. See Rereading To Kill a Mockingbird pages 1922 Close Reading Guide for Teacher Reference to guide this. Resource 39A You Never Really Understand a Person Until.