Text-decoration-color can inherit or accept any CSS color value including named colors HEX colors RGBa and HSLa.
Text decoration line through size. Also look at the text-decoration property which is a short-hand property for text-decoration-line text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color. The text-decoration shorthand CSS property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. For a given application of this property the thickness is constant across the whole box it is applied to even if there are child elements with a different font size.
Sets the style of the text decoration like solid wavy dotted dashed double initial. Change Orientation Save Code Change Theme DarkLight. The text-decoration-line CSS property sets the kind of decoration that is used on text in an element such as an underline or overline.
Here the text is normal here the text has strikethrough here the text changes to strikethrough and font size 160 pt and here the text return to normal. It is a shorthand for text-decoration-line text-decoration-color text-decoration-style and the newer text-decoration-thickness property. The text-decoration-color property sets the color of the underline overline or line-through on text with the text-decoration property applied.
Sets the color of the text decoration. A percentage inherits as a relative value and so therefore scales with changes in the font. Text-decoration-line text-decoration-color et text-decoration-style.
You can also combine more than one value like underline and overline to display lines both under and over the text. Decoration is a dotted line. Text-decoration 属性是 text-decoration-linetext-decoration-style 和 text-decoration-color 属性的速记属性.
La propriété text-decoration-line définit la façon dont les décorations linéaires sont ajoutées à un élément et notamment leur position sous le texte au-dessus ou en travers de celui-ci. Text Decoration Line Through Size. It can also set the underline color on links.