Distinct means clear so distinctive means having the quality of clarity easily recognised for what it is.
Tanvi verb meaning. Tapaḥsuta tapaHsuta तपसत m. Tapa to burn shine suffer. Tapati 1 pp to heat up.
The German for tantamount is gleichbedeutend. Thats what Murphys English Grammar says. In your test the correct answer is probably passing.
This name has emerged from the Sanskrit word तनव Tanvi. The actual meaning of the phrase has two parts. The first part is 안녕 annyeong which means well-being or peace The second part is 하세요 haseyo which comes from the verb 하다 hada meaning to do.
Tapasyasi austerities you perform. Ii Druvi or Tanvi is responsible for all this. A distinguishing mark heps one to discriminate between two individuals of similar type.
People with authoritarian views agendas or personalities rarely describe themselves as authoritarian but can often be spotted when they try to. One who is son of austerity - Epithet for Yudhiṣṭhira the elder brother among the five Pāṇḍava-s. Having finished her work she went home.
Tanvi Nagpal b. Tapasi in penance. Tanvī tanvI तनव m.