Oh look tanvi the cutie is here.
Tanvi meaning durga. Meaning of Tanisi is Goddess Durga Tanvi. She is cute and good and talented at many things. Another name for Goddess Durga it means beautiful.
Goddess Durga Unknown word which means Delicate Indian word which means delicate. Name Tanvi or Tannvi. According to a user from Australia the name Tanvi is of Indian Sanskrit origin and means A beautiful woman.
Goddess Durga Name for Beautiful. Meaning of name Tanvi - Name Tanvi means Beautiful. The name Tanvi pronounced.
Meaning of Tanvi is Beautiful Beautiful Goddess Durga Tarita 6 Girl. It means one who is beautiful. Person with name Tanvi have the effect of material success with any individuals who having name number as 4 8 13 and 17.
Meaning of Tribhuvaneshwari is Goddess Durga Triguna. She is smart and unique but people never appreciate her. She is very pretty but never accepts good things about her and thinks she is bad.
See photos of people babies with name Tanvi. She who frees Saviour. A feminine given name Tanvi means the epitome of femininity or a good looking young lady.