Underline solid blue 1px.
Style text decoration underline color. Style needs to be applied on a tag which is a text section eg. Safari supports it with the -webkit prefix. La propriété text-decoration est utilisée pour décorer le texte en ajoutant une ligne pouvant être positionnée sous sur ou à travers le texte.
Sets the color of the text decoration. And. Text-decoration-line text-decoration-color et text-decoration-style.
You should avoid underline text that is not a link as it might confuse the visitor. Red body h1 The text-decoration-color Property p The color of the underline should now be red. None underline overline line-through blink and inherit.
The way underline is normally used in text will usually be a good solution. Safari text-decoration-color. Currently only Firefox supports this unprefixed.
SVG does not use the color property for painting text so it is not clear how text-decoration-color should be mapped to the fill and stroke of SVG text decoration. Underline can be done in two ways. As far as I have tested the two ways of underlining they give exacly the same effect also in combination with other styles.
The tag or STYLEtext-decorationunderline. Le texte est barré en son milieu. Il nexiste pas de méthode permettant de mettre en forme les lignes décorées différemment les unes des autres.