I slept propped up for the first week, almost like sleeping in a recliner.
Sleeping on side after gallbladder surgery. One week after surgery i definitely couldn't sleep on my side yet, so i suggest giving it time. It can also reduce the pressure on the area. If you are a back sleeper, then you are lucky and will have no trouble sleeping after gallbladder removal which will be great for your recovery.
Gallbladder, liver, pancreas & spleen issues. If that is your favorite position, give it a shot. Sleeping on the right side after gallbladder.
You might find that there is too much pain when on your right. Some people claim that this position is very comfortable to sleep after surgery. How to sleep after gallbladder surgery.hello everyone!
Generally, sleeping after gallbladder surgery has more to do with how comfortable it makes you feel than anything else. Gently lay on your back and roll towards the left or right side. Is it ok to sleep on your side or your stomach after gallbladder surgery?
Some advice tells you it is okay to sleep on your left side if you absolutely must. I also have it when getting out of bed after being on my back all. Take pain medication as recommended by your.
Here are some tips on how to sleep after gallbladder surgery. Gallbladder surgery can be painful, especially after the procedure itself. In this video, i give you three tips that really helped me have a good night's rest after i had my g.