The correct answer is :f.
Select the correct iupac name for the following compound. Provide the correct iupac name for the compound shown here. Science chemistry q&a library choose the correct iupac name for the following compound co2h br a. Join / login >> class 11 >> chemistry >>.
The lowest set of locants is selected. The following structure is named by selecting the correct components for the iupac name. Select the correct iupac name for the following.
So i'm just writing the character one. Click here👆to get an answer to your question ️ select the correct iupac name of the following compound: The will one in this side always group each present and in this side as a group it present here.
Select the correct 00 x is a; Question 4 2 pts instructions: The given compound is numbered as:
The word root is hex (as six. In case the atoms are present in the branching, they are written in alphabetical order. >> select the correct iupac name of the fol.
The longest chain of carbon is selected in the compound. Nomenclature of organic compounds can be defined as the systematic approach to name different organic compounds present in the world. 1st, i will draw the diagram here.