Users who view stories appear in a “viewers list” for 24 hours after the story is live for the original poster to see.
See who viewed your instagram profile. Log into the instagram app and tap on your profile icon which is on the lower menu of the app. Profile+ is one of those apps that claims it can allow you to be in the know of those who view your instagram profile. Tap your profile icon in the bottom right to enter your profile.
To do so, go to your instagram profile > insights. Instagram does not allow you to see who has visited your profile recently. However, if you have a business account, you can see how many people visited your profile, but not their usernames.
Well, let’s know these apps. In the statistics section of your instagram account, you can see indicative data of who has. Here is how to set your account as private;
Scroll down and see if you have the switch to professional account option. Scroll to the story you want to see viewer info on. The higher the engagement, more likely the user has visited your profile.
Many call this application as “instagram manager.”. Open instagram and tap your profile. There are a few different methods that you can use to see who views your instagram profile.
Now that you know how to see who viewed your instagram profiles. It provides detailed insights into the following: Just open your story and find the profile pictures of users who viewed your story at the bottom left corner.