From $357 flight to kauai:
Seattle to hawaii flight time. Arrive in honolulu total travel time: The flight time from seattle to honolulu is 6 hours. The flight time from seattle to kahului is 6 hours, 6 minutes.
In reality, it varies by airline with delta being the fastest. Flight to kahului on maui: Seattle / tacoma to honolulu flights.
You’ll be traveling a distance of approximately 2,667 miles. The total flight duration from hawaii to seattle, wa is 5 hours, 14 minutes. $390 flight to honolulu on oahu:
When you book a direct flight from seattle to hawaii, expect to be in the air for around five hours and 37 minutes. The time spent in the air is 5 hours, 34 minutes. It takes about 6 hours 14 minutes to fly from seattle (sea) to honolulu (hnl).
Flights from sea to hnl are operated 27 times a week, with an average of 4 flights per day. Ad we offer the best deals on flights worldwide. Book flight + hotel & save more.
Flight time of 5 hours, 37 minutes waikapu (hawaii) is 3 hours behind seattle 270 seattle travel answers What is the transportation method from. The flight time between seattle (sea) and honolulu (hnl) is around 9h 16m and covers a distance of around 2692 miles.