Saras last name Chidouin is romanized as Chidoin in the original Japanese.
Sara name in japanese. A sounds like a in father but shorter. Get your name translated in Chinese Japanese or Korean today and show off to your friends.
Double vowels like EE are held for twice the duration of single vowels You can search for another name if you like. By clicking on the Got it button or continuing browsing the. In Japanese however it is ka-me-ra where each letter ka me and ra are said for equal amounts of time.
Ever wonder how Sarah looks like in an Asian language. 103 rows One of many childhood names of Lord Krishna. More meanings for 皿 Sara dish noun.
If your name is Sara you can say. This is what the name Sarah looks like in Japanese. E sounds like e in met.
Sara in Japanese - Your Name in Katakana Hiragana and Romaji. Other Readings of 沙羅 Sara Shara.
The answer is here and you will also be able to download the complete image of its representation in Romanji Katakana and or Hiragana. By clicking on the Got it button or continuing browsing the site you agree to the use of cookies. Sara is one of the characters to share the same occupation the others being Anzu Kinashi Ranmaru Kageyama Joe Tazuna and Kugie Kizuchi.