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Sanjana meaning in different languages. The meaning of the name Sanjana is. Sanjana name numerology is 6 and here you can learn how to pronounce Sanjana Sanjana origin and similar names to Sanjana name. This name is from the Bengali.
Rank of the name Sanjana in the US. Simply choose a language then write in English once you press SPACE or hit ENTER you will see the phonetics of what you wrote in the target language. The name sanjana is used in English and Hindi speaking countries most.
Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages so be careful that the name that you choose doesnt mean something bad or unpleasant. Meaning of Hindu Girl name Sanjana is Gentle. The name Sanjana has Air element.
In Harmony and Number 6. Know Rashi Nakshatra Numerology Religion Gender Similar Names and Variant Names for name Sanjana. Variations of this names are Sanjana.
Meanings and history of the name Sanjna. Sanjna is a name meaning beutiful girl and amazing person but in other languages like greek witch is sweanjna means amazing mane and magical horn in the stuart times it ment golden horse or magic rose. This page allows you to write your name in many languages.
Meaning of the name Sanjna analysis of the name Sanjna and so much more What does Sanjna mean and its numerology definition origin popularity and very interesting information. Sanjana is generally used as a girls name. Acoording to vedic astrology Rashi for the name Sanjana is Kumbha and Moon sign associated with the name Sanjana is Aquarius.