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Rei used gear sale northridge. I bought a Nemo Dagger 2 tent from the REI garage sale in the Northridge outlet. The site only sells gear that has been returned by customersits not a consignment operationand explains the details of the operation in this delightfully succinct 18-word overview. All of the clothing and gear is stuff that customers purchased and then returned to REI.
Members can now trade in used gear for REI gift cards. Learn how trade-in works Online only. As a runner I primarily use the store for purchasing energy sources such as gels and bars.
REI provides these supplements at a good price and will give you a discout if you buy a dozen. Score deals on your favorite brands with pre-loved gear from REI. REI Used Gear Sale - Berkeley Berkeley California.
Shop our selection of pre-loved outdoor gear. Score deals on your favorite brands with pre-loved gear from REI. They have a great selection of these.
REI is widely recognized as a leading provider of camping cycling and hiking equipment. At REI or Recreational Equipment Inc they believe that a life spent outdoors is a life well-lived. 2 REI inspects and selects the best.
Looking for new gear. I dont know about you but Im pretty impulsive and if I decide I want something I want it NOW and struggle to wait for the sale I also worry that my chosen product size color will sell out before I can get. The Location and Description of Problem on the tag reports did not like the design and was used once.