1) he might start speaking at a similar pace to you.
Reddit is he interested. If he get’s annoyed at you then he’s not interested. If he responds with i’m not interested right. If he is interested he's being pretty coy about it.
I’ve been sleeping with a guy for 4 months. Apparently, one of my roommates said the guys who live. Is he just not interested?
(read this article for more on body language signs that mean he’s definitely interested in you.) 10. Another example is he wanted me to remind him to send me a picture of a mineral he had. 27 signs he likes you as more than a friend and wants to date you] 2.
He acts nervous when you’re around. But i’m still not sure if he’s interested/ if there will be a second date, although there was a mix of signs. Imitating your actions is a sign that he respects and admires you.
I also kinda made it obvious that his lack of texts bother me. Last but not least, one guy on reddit definitely points out one of the strongest signs that a guy is not interested, and this is something that a guy doesn't even do. I waited two days and.
He’s chatty he wouldn’t be investing his time in talking to you if he wasn’t interested in you. It’s been a couple days and i. If he gets an anxiety attack then he’s probably more than interested but emotionally damaged.