1 n the number obtained by division type of:
Quotient math meaning. A quotient is the result of performing a division. Sometimes, when the division is not exact, the quotient is the. The quotient is a mathematical term that refers to the result of dividing a number by another number.
Evenly divisible numbers produce quotients of a round number while others will yield a quotient followed by a remainder. It is a part of the division process. In 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 4 is the quotient.
[noun] the number resulting from the division of one number by another. In other words, it is the solution to the question how many times does a number (the divisor). The number that results when one number is divided by another.
In mathematics, divisor means a number which divides another number. Number a concept of quantity involving zero and units n the ratio of two quantities to be divided types: So the quotient is 4.3.
The first known usage of the word ‘ quotient’ in mathematics is found. The result of dividing one number by another 3…. Britannica dictionary definition of quotient.
The answer after we divide one number by another. A particular degree or amount of something: The quotient has widespread use.