How to be a cat by nikki mcclure (gr.
Procedure text examples. Pertama, kedua, ketiga, dan seterusnya. Whisk until all well blended. (1) texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals, e.g.
From the sample above we know that things needed to speak english fluently are: Warm the overwhelming cream and moment espresso. In a bowl, mix together flour, cornstarch, ginger, salt and pepper.
Put the yeast in a bowl, add the sugar and warm water to it. Flashlight is a means of lighting in the dark of night. Sama dengan contoh narrative text, dalam procedure text juga menggunakan kata keterangan (adverbials).
Struktur pertama dalam procedure text adalah menerangkan tujuan. Sample of procedure text to turn on the flashlight. Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
They use words that are related to the topic of the procedure. How to use the video, the. When traveling in the middle of a pitch black night a flashlight is essential to light.
Some procedure text sample omit them. In a frying pan, add. First, crack the eggs into a small bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper.