Meaning of Name Priya.
Priya name meaning prokerala. Religion धरम. The name Shanmuga priya having moon sign as Virgo is represented by The Virgin and considered as Mutable. For more information and source see on this link.
Survives through all problems. Name Priya or Priya implies Beloved loved one darling. Common Indian name meaning beloved in Sanskrit.
Personality details of name Yoga Priya. Theepa Priya name variations Theepa Priya name popularity Theepa Priya name personality and Numerology details Prokerala. Priya or Pria Sanskrit.
Famous real-life people named Priya. Priya name meaning in Hindi is Beloved One. Suba Priya Hindu Girl name meaning origin and other details.
Add to favourite. For more information and source see on this link. Priya name meaning in Bengali popularity and rank stands at 96 and lucky number for Priya is 6.
Personal experiences with the name Priya Nicknames for Priya. Normally people with the name Shanmuga priya listen to their heart rather than using their brain. Priya is the real name of Sierra in the TV series Dollhouse.